Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting Affordable Window Well Covers Under $100

Welcome to a realm of craftsmanship and ingenuity – the haven of Macro DIY! Today, I’m about to spill the beans on an adventure that took scrap wood and molded it into a fortress for your window well. But wait, let me tease you a bit with a sneak peek – envision a window well cover standing tall, a testament to your DIY prowess.

Imagine, if you will, the allure of a project that not only shields your home but also exudes the charm of a bespoke creation. Picture it – a symphony of old wood, carefully measured and meticulously cut, converging into a protective embrace for your window well.

Now, let’s dive into the details. We’re not here for your run-of-the-mill DIY; we’re here for an odyssey through dimensions of creativity. Our journey begins with a measured dance – a symphony of precision as we lay the groundwork for our window well masterpiece.

But before we delve into the nitty-gritty, let’s establish a bond, you and I, united by the shared thrill of creation. So grab your metaphorical toolbox, and let’s embark on this DIY escapade together!

Now, let’s unfurl the tape measure and measure our dreams…

Step 1: Materials Marvel: Crafting Wisdom from the Scrapyard

egress window covers diy
egress window covers diy

Alright, DIY trailblazers, let’s dive into the heart of our window well creation saga – the materials and measurements odyssey! Picture this: you stand at the crossroads of ingenuity, surrounded by the cacophony of possibilities, wondering, “What on earth should I choose?” Fear not, my fellow artisans, for we are about to embark on a journey that transforms scrap wood into a symphony of utility!

Choosing the Right Materials

In the grand tapestry of DIY, the choice of materials is like selecting the perfect actors for a blockbuster movie. Scrap wood takes center stage – not merely due to its cost-effectiveness, but because it tells a story. Picture repurposed wood, each plank a protagonist in this tale of resilience and reinvention.

But wait, dare we explore alternatives? Let’s sprinkle a bit of spice into our DIY cauldron. Consider salvaged metal sheets or reclaimed plastic panels – unexpected heroes ready to join the DIY ensemble. The beauty lies not just in crafting a window well cover but in embracing the art of resourcefulness.

As we tread through this labyrinth of options, envision the whispering echoes of sustainability and creativity guiding our every choice. So, gather your materials, channel your inner artisan, and let’s turn the mundane into a masterpiece!

Now, let’s measure the heartbeat of our project…

Measurement Techniques

In the realm of DIY, precision is our guiding star. Picture yourself as the maestro of measurement, orchestrating a symphony of accuracy. Grab that tape measure like a conductor’s baton, for we’re about to measure not just dimensions but dreams taking shape.

Imagine standing by your window well, a blank canvas awaiting the strokes of your creative genius. This is where the dance of measurements begins. Step one – lay the wood, or whatever material you’ve chosen, along the window well’s edges. Feel the potential, the promise of what’s to come.

Now, let’s measure the front, the sides – every nook and cranny demanding attention. Feel the tape measure unraveling secrets, unveiling the story your window well cover is itching to tell. It’s not just about numbers; it’s about understanding the language of your home, speaking in the rhythmic cadence of dimensions.

But ah, the height – a crucial verse in our DIY sonnet. From the window’s crown to the well’s base, we measure, ensuring a cover that doesn’t merely shield but graces your home with purpose and poise. Consider it the crescendo, building to the grand reveal.

As you navigate this labyrinth of measurements, think of your window well as a canvas, and each measurement as a brushstroke shaping its destiny. So, my DIY companions, measure with intention, for in these dimensions lies the magic of a window well cover crafted not just with hands but with heart.

Now, let’s step into the realm of cutting and crafting, where dreams take form…

Step 2: Crafting Brilliance: The Ballet of Lumber and Precision

Ah, fellow creators of wonder, our DIY symphony continues with a crescendo of cutting and crafting. In this act, we dive into the heart of our materials – the lumbers that will soon metamorphose into the guardian of our window well. Brace yourselves as we waltz through the intricacies of lumber selection and the ballet of precision cuts.

Lumber Selection

diy window well cover wood
diy window well cover wood

Imagine standing amidst a forest of possibilities, each plank whispering promises of transformation. The choice of two-by-sixes and two-by-twelves is no mere coincidence; it’s a carefully choreographed dance of dimensions. Picture the two-by-six as our guiding star, the luminary leading our cutting expedition.

But why this specific choice, you ask? Let’s unravel the mystery. The two-by-six, akin to a seasoned guide in the wilderness of crafting, ensures consistency in our cuts. It becomes the maestro’s wand, orchestrating the symphony of our window well cover.

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As we navigate the forest of lumbers, imagine the possibilities each plank holds. They are not just wooden slabs; they are the protagonists in our DIY saga. Picture the grains, the knots – each imperfection adding character to our creation. This is not just a window well cover; it’s a tapestry of stories etched in every fiber.

Now, as the lumber beckons, envision the process – the tactile sensation of wood beneath your fingertips, the scent of the workshop wafting through the air. It’s not merely crafting; it’s a communion with the very essence of creation.

Now, brace yourself for the next act – the dance of precision cuts!

Precision Cuts

As we plunge into the realm of precision, envision yourself as a sculptor, shaping not just wood but dreams taking form. The two-by-six, our unwavering guide, becomes the compass directing our marks and cuts.

Marking our lumbers, much like an artist sketching the first strokes on a canvas, requires a delicate touch. Picture the tape measure as your paintbrush, gracefully leaving imprints that guide the blade. This is not just cutting; it’s a dialogue between creator and creation.

But ah, the importance of safety – the unsung hero in our DIY opera. Imagine a dance with power tools, a ballet of blades, and safety precautions as our vigilant guardians. It’s not just about crafting; it’s about embracing the responsibility that comes with creation.

Now, let’s discuss the meticulous cuts – each incision like a surgeon’s precision. Detailed instructions unfold, each step a revelation in the art of shaping wood. The saw becomes an extension of your artistic intent, gliding through the lumber as if poetry in motion.

As you embark on this journey, remember, precision isn’t just about accuracy; it’s about infusing your creation with intention and purpose. The lumbers, once silent witnesses to the forest’s tales, now echo with the rhythm of your craftsmanship.

Ready to take the stage for the next act? We’re about to assemble our masterpiece!

Step 3: Symphony of Fusion: Bringing Boards to Life

Welcome back, champions of craftsmanship! The stage is set, the lumbers are prepped, and now we embark on the enthralling act of assembling our window well cover. This is not just about joining boards; it’s about orchestrating a symphony where every piece harmonizes into a protective masterpiece.

Fitting the Boards

Imagine a dance floor adorned with lumbers, each waiting for its moment to shine. Fitting the boards is not merely a mechanical task; it’s a choreography of alignment and precision. Picture yourself as the conductor, ensuring that each member of the orchestra is in perfect sync.

As you check the alignment, envision the satisfaction of pieces falling into place, much like a puzzle reaching completion. Adjustments become your artistic strokes, refining the canvas of your window well cover. It’s not just about fitting; it’s about sculpting an entity that resonates with the dimensions of your home.

Now, let’s talk about marking – a language spoken by craftsmen. Each mark tells a tale of where the blade will dance, where the screws will intertwine. It’s a roadmap of creation, etched with the finesse of a seasoned artist. This is not just marking; it’s inscribing intention onto the soul of your project.

Now, brace yourself for the crescendo – the pre-drilling and securing act!

window well liners diy
window well liners diy

Pre-drilling and Securing

As the lumbers stand in unity, the pre-drilling ritual commences. Imagine it as the opening note of a sonata, setting the tempo for the grand performance. The importance of pre-drilling goes beyond preventing cracks; it’s about ensuring the longevity of your creation.

Picture the drill as a conductor’s baton, gently leading the orchestra into harmony. Step by step, the screws join the composition, each turn echoing a note of solidarity. This is not just screwing boards together; it’s weaving a narrative of resilience and strength.

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In this dance of screws and wood, envision the satisfaction of a well-prepared performance. The pre-drilling, meticulous and intentional, becomes the unsung hero of your DIY opera. It’s not just a practical step; it’s a declaration of craftsmanship – a testament to your dedication to the art.

As our window well cover takes shape, remember, this is not just about building a shield for your home; it’s about creating a guardian with a story to tell. Each board, each screw, is a character in your narrative of DIY prowess.

Now, as we bask in the glory of a well-secured creation, the journey continues to the realm of installing the plastic panel.

Step 4: Symphony of Security: Elevating Our Window Well Cover

Greetings, virtuosos of DIY brilliance! As our window well cover takes shape, our journey ventures into the realm of secure attachments, where each clip and screw becomes a note in the composition of protection. Join me in unraveling the secrets of fortifying our creation.

Introduction to Secure Clips

Enter the stage, the unsung heroes of our assembly – secure clips. Picture these clips as the guardians of your window well cover, the sentinels that will ensure it stands tall against the whims of weather and mischief. But why these particular clips, you ask?

Let me spill the beans on this hardware store treasure. These clips, like hidden gems waiting to be discovered, are designed for a dance with destiny – the destiny of attaching window well covers with finesse. Their size, their grip – a symphony of features crafted for the very purpose of fortifying our creation.

Imagine the satisfaction of stumbling upon these clips, akin to finding the perfect accessory for an outfit. These clips aren’t just practical; they are a nod to the elegance of functionality. As we delve into attaching them, envision each clip as a knight, standing guard over the realm of your window well.

Now, brace yourself for the act of attaching these sentinels!

Attaching the Clips

The dance of attachment begins, and each clip becomes a partner in this intricate waltz. Picture the sides of your window well cover as the dance floor, waiting for the clips to join in a synchronized performance. Placement becomes a choreography, ensuring that each clip finds its perfect spot.

As the drill echoes through the workshop, envision it as the overture to a grand spectacle. The drilling, deliberate and purposeful, is the prelude to the secure fit we seek. Each hole becomes a portal, a gateway for the clip to assert its role in this tale of fortification.

Now, imagine the satisfaction of securing these clips – a triumphant moment akin to completing a challenging puzzle. The clicks and clacks as the screws tighten become the applause for a job well done. It’s not just about attachment; it’s about establishing a pact between security and craftsmanship.

In this act of attachment, we ensure that our window well cover doesn’t just stand; it stands resolute, a testament to our dedication to perfection. Each clip is not just a functional component; it’s a vow to shield and protect, a promise to weather the storms and keep your home safe.

As we revel in the successful attachment, the journey now unfolds into the final act – the culmination of our DIY masterpiece.

Step 5: The Grand Unveiling: A Transparent Shield of Elegance

diy polycarbonate window well cover
diy polycarbonate window well cover

Salutations, architects of security! As our DIY symphony nears its crescendo, we delve into the final act – the installation of the plastic panel, the pièce de résistance that will crown our window well cover with transparency and resilience. Buckle up, for we are about to witness the transformation of mere materials into a shield of elegance.

Selecting the Right Plastic Material

Picture this: a clear PC panel, the crown jewel of materials selected for the top of our creation. Why this particular material, you ask? Imagine it as the choice of a virtuoso selecting the finest instrument for a concert. The clear polycarbonate panel isn’t just a choice; it’s a statement of durability and functionality.

Envision a material that not only shields your window well from the elements but does so with a touch of sophistication. This isn’t just a piece of plastic; it’s a guardian with clarity, allowing light to dance through while standing resilient against the forces of nature. As you embark on the journey of selecting the right plastic, envision it as a curator selecting the perfect piece for an art exhibition.

Now, let’s unravel the secrets of cutting and fitting this transparent masterpiece!

Cutting and Fitting the Plastic

The plastic panel, like a canvas awaiting strokes of brilliance, is ready for its transformation. As you align and cut, imagine yourself as a sculptor, molding the material to fit seamlessly into the ensemble of your window well cover. Precision is not just a requirement; it’s an art form.

The instructions for aligning and cutting become your brushstrokes, ensuring that every angle is a testament to your meticulous craftsmanship. Picture the plastic panel as the finishing touch, a glistening surface that adds a layer of refinement to your DIY creation.

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Ensure proper coverage becomes your mantra, a pledge to shield your window well comprehensively. Reinforcement isn’t just about strength; it’s about fortifying your creation against the whims of weather and time. Envision the final result – a window well cover that not only stands guard but does so with an aura of elegance.

As we conclude the installation of the plastic panel, our symphony of craftsmanship reaches its zenith, paving the way for the grand finale – the unveiling of our DIY masterpiece.

Step 6: The Crown Jewel: Elevating Your Window Well Cover to Perfection

Dear maestros of DIY, as we approach the final crescendo of our symphony, it’s time to add the finishing touches to our opus – the DIY window well cover. The journey has been one of precision, creativity, and a touch of magic. Now, let’s unveil the last strokes that transform our creation into a masterpiece.

Importance of Overhang

In the grand tapestry of our window well cover, the overhang emerges as a crucial element – the detail that elevates functionality to a work of art. Picture it as the extended hand of protection, offering a shield not just to the well but to the very essence of your home.

The discussion on leaving an overhang is more than a technicality; it’s a nuanced ballet between aesthetics and purpose. Imagine your window well cover as a guardian angel, wings gracefully extended to keep the elements at bay. The overhang isn’t just about coverage; it’s about the harmonious balance between form and function.

Ensuring proper alignment becomes your compass in this endeavor. Think of it as the North Star guiding sailors across stormy seas. Alignment isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about the seamless integration of your DIY creation into the architectural ensemble of your home.

Now, let’s unravel the layers of safety concerns woven into our final touches.

Addressing Safety Concerns

Our window well cover, now adorned with an overhang, becomes more than an aesthetic addition. It metamorphoses into a guardian, a barrier against potential accidents lurking in the shadows. Picture it as the unsung hero, silently working to keep your loved ones safe.

As we delve into the safety concerns, envision the window well cover as a knight’s armor, warding off the dual threats of snow and water. It’s not just a cover; it’s a shield against the forces of nature that could otherwise infiltrate your sanctuary. In this act, our DIY creation transcends the ordinary, becoming a stalwart protector.

Protection against injuries takes center stage. Envision the cover as a barrier that not only keeps curious toddlers at bay but also prevents potential injuries from falls or misplaced steps. It’s a silent sentinel, standing guard against the unforeseen mishaps that life may throw our way.

With the final touches complete, our DIY journey unfolds into a grand finale – the realization of our vision for an elegant, protective window well cover.

As we prepare for the unveiling, let anticipation be the guiding note, for what awaits is not just a cover but a testament to your ingenuity and commitment to creating a haven within your home.

DIY Window Well Cover: Essential Preparations Checklist

Embarking on the journey of crafting your very own window well cover? Before you dive into the sawdust and creativity, let’s ensure you’re armed with the right arsenal. Macro DIY wisdom unfolds in layers, so pay attention to these crucial items and tools:

Items and Materials:

  1. Scrap Wood:
    • An assortment for measuring and crafting the frame.
    • Consider using old wood for an eco-friendly touch.
  2. Clear PC Panel:
    • Top material resembling a metal roof ridge.
    • Optimal for allowing light while providing durability.
  3. Clips for Secure Attachment:
    • Clips from the hardware store designed for securing handles.
    • Ensure they fit the window well size for a snug hold.
  4. Plastic Sheet:
    • Transparent material for covering the well.
    • Aim for a sheet deep enough to cover the entire well.


  1. Tape Measure:
    • Essential for accurate measurements.
  2. Circular Saw:
    • A powerful tool for precise and angled cuts.
    • Ensure safety precautions, especially if little ones are around.
  3. Drill:
    • For pre-drilling holes to prevent cracks.
    • Remove battery packs or unplug when not in use for safety.
  4. Screws:
    • Sturdy screws for joining the wooden components securely.
  5. Marker or Pencil:
    • For marking measurements and cut lines on the wood.
  6. Straight Edge:
    • Helps in making straight and aligned cuts.
  7. Safety Gear:
    • Goggles, gloves, and ear protection for a safe crafting experience.
  8. Level:
    • Ensures the cover sits evenly on the well.
  9. Piece of Wood for Marking:
    • Useful for creating straight lines during the plastic sheet cutting process.

Safety Tips:

  • Prioritize safety: Unplug or remove battery packs when tools are not in use, especially if children are around.
  • Consider the depth of your window well when purchasing the plastic sheet; you might need more than one sheet.
  • Plan for an overhang to prevent snow and water from accumulating on the window well cover.

Now that you’re armed with this comprehensive checklist, unleash your inner DIY maestro and craft that window well cover with confidence! Macro DIY journey awaits your creative touch.

Frequently Asked Questions about DIY Window Well Covers

homemade window well cover
homemade window well cover

Q1: What materials do I need for the window well cover?

Macro DIY suggests using old scrap wood for the frame, a clear PC panel for the top (resembling a metal roof ridge), and secure clips found in hardware stores for attachment.

Q2: How do I measure for the window well cover?

Macro DIY takes you through a step-by-step measurement process:

  • Measure the front and sides using scrap wood as guides.
  • Height is crucial; it should be 12 inches in the back, sloping down to the front.
  • The cover should extend just above the windowsill.

Q3: What tools are essential for this DIY project?

Get ready to wield:

  • Circular saw for precise cuts.
  • Drill for pre-drilling holes to prevent cracks.
  • Screws for secure assembly.
  • Safety gear: goggles, gloves, and ear protection.
  • Level for ensuring an even fit.

Q4: How do I assemble the window well cover?

After cutting and pre-drilling, Macro DIY recommends using brackets or clips designed for wall-mounted handles. Two on each side and two in the middle create a secure fit.

Q5: How does the window well cover prevent accidents?

The DIY cover acts as a protective barrier, preventing toddlers from falling in, kids from throwing objects, and safeguarding against potential injuries. The secure clips ensure it stays in place.

Q6: What about snow and water accumulation?

The cover’s design includes an overhang, preventing snow and water from seeping into the window well, especially vital in snow-prone areas like Montana.

Q7: Can I customize the cover for my window well depth?

Yes, if your well is deep, Macro DIY suggests using two sheets of plastic. Ensure the back sheet is on top for added reinforcement, making it a versatile solution for various well depths.

Q8: Is this DIY window well cover cost-effective?

Absolutely! Macro DIY emphasizes that crafting your cover can save you hundreds compared to hiring a company. Plus, it’s a functional and customized solution.

Recap and Appreciation: Crafting Dreams into Reality

As we stand on the precipice of completion, let’s take a moment to bask in the glory of our DIY symphony – the creation of a window well cover that transcends mere functionality. It’s not just about covering a well; it’s about weaving dreams into a tangible reality.

Our journey commenced with a mere sneak peek, a tantalizing glimpse of what could be. From the careful selection of materials to the precision cuts that breathed life into our project, every step was a brushstroke on the canvas of our imagination.

In the assembly phase, we transformed disparate elements into a cohesive whole. Fitting the boards, pre-drilling, and securing – each action was a testament to our commitment to perfection. Our window well cover ceased to be a mere project; it evolved into a narrative, a story told through every screw tightened and every board aligned.

The introduction of secure attachments was the crescendo, elevating our creation to a fortress of protection. Clips meticulously placed, ensuring not just security but a visual allure – our DIY cover emerged as a guardian with a touch of elegance.

Installing the clear PC panel was the unveiling of our masterpiece. Selecting the right plastic material and cutting it with precision was akin to giving life to a sculpture. Our cover now not only shielded but allowed light to dance upon its surface, transforming the well into a beacon.

The final touches – the overhang for effective coverage and the acknowledgment of safety concerns – imbued our creation with purpose. It became a guardian against the elements, a silent protector standing between home and potential hazards.

In this grand finale, as we recap our journey, let’s not merely appreciate a window well cover. Let’s celebrate the transformation of an idea into a tangible marvel. Our DIY venture wasn’t just about crafting a cover; it was about infusing life into the mundane, turning necessity into art.

As we bid adieu to this chapter, remember that what stands before you isn’t just a cover; it’s a testament to your creativity, resilience, and the magic that happens when dreams meet craftsmanship. Until our next adventure in the realm of DIY, keep dreaming, creating, and turning the ordinary into the extraordinary.

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Key Takeaways for DIY Window Well Cover by Macro DIY:

🔨 Materials Matter:

  • Utilize old scrap wood for the frame.
  • Opt for a clear PC panel for the top, resembling a metal roof ridge.
  • Secure the cover with clips designed for wall-mounted handles.

📏 Precision in Measurement:

  • Measure the front and sides using scrap wood as guides.
  • Height is crucial; maintain 12 inches in the back, sloping down to the front.
  • Extend the cover just above the windowsill.

🛠️ Essential Tools:

  • Circular saw for precise cuts.
  • Drill for pre-drilling holes to prevent cracks.
  • Screws for secure assembly.
  • Safety gear: goggles, gloves, and ear protection.
  • Level for ensuring an even fit.

🛠️ Assembly Guidelines:

  • Pre-drill holes before assembly to avoid cracks.
  • Use brackets or clips for secure attachment.
  • Two clips on each side and two in the middle create a robust fit.

👶 Safety First:

  • The DIY cover acts as a protective barrier, preventing accidents like toddlers falling in or kids throwing objects.
  • Secure clips ensure the cover stays in place, with easy removal from the inside during emergencies.

❄️ Weather-Resistant Design:

  • Overhang prevents snow and water from seeping into the window well.
  • Particularly crucial in snow-prone areas like Montana.

💰 Cost-Effective DIY:

  • Crafting your cover can save hundreds compared to hiring a company.
  • It’s not just cost-effective but functional and customized.

🏡 Versatile Customization:

  • Adapt the cover for various well depths by using two sheets of plastic.
  • Ensure the back sheet is on top for added reinforcement.

✂️ Cutting and Lining Tips:

  • Mark and cut the boards precisely, ensuring a flush fit.
  • Line up the plastic sheets, with an overhang on the edges for reinforcement.

🌨️ Montana-Tested Functionality:

  • Designed to prevent accidents and keep snow and water out, especially in Montana’s harsh weather conditions.

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